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Warminster Museum    (formerly   Dewey Museum)

In 1973 the History Society assumed the care of artefacts from the Town Council, including Victor Manley’s collection of local fossils, Harold Dewey’s Collection of documents and many items held for the benefit of the people of Warminster. The Society set up a museum in the Sexton’s cottage at the rear of the Chapel of St Lawrence.

In 1982 the Museum moved to the present Library building

where it has a display area, storeroom and offices.

Only a proportion of its items can be on display at any one time, but items from the Museum storeroom can be studied by arrangement with the museum staff.  Displays are changed on a regular basis, and special events in local and national history are marked.

Displays and conservation work are paid for by the History Society, and all work is undertaken by Society members.

Items on display in the Museum area of the Public Library can usually be viewed during Library opening times, but it is possible that Library business could mean that the museum area is not accessible to the public.

Before you travel, please contact the Library on 01958 216022

Library opening times  

  Monday         Tuesday          Wednesday          Thursday          Friday         Saturday

 10.00-7.00        9.30-5.00           9.30-12.30             9.30-7.00         9.30-5.00       9.30-4.00

The Museum staff is available every morning Mon.-Fri. for help or advice.