Welcome Warminster Museum Gallery History Society Great War What's on? Contact Us

Welcome to our web-site.

You will deduce from the name of our Society, that we are a group of people who are interested and fascinated by the history of our town.  You would also be correct in thinking that we have a modest museum, where we can display items that help to tell our story.

In common with every other town in the land, our town is unique.  Society members are interested in history as a whole, but to us, our town, its history, its heritage are a constant source of discovery and interest.  Because Warminster’s story goes back such a long way.

The town was already “Warminster” when William the Conqueror arrived.  He could handle “minster” but decided that “War” should be translated into French so, for a short while, we were “Guerreminster”.  The locals set that to rights as soon as possible, because the “war” in Warminster has nothing to do with conflict.  The church (the minster) sits close to a serpentine stream. The stream today is the Were, but the old word for a serpent was a Worm (pronounced Warm?).  Weary, Worm,  how better could you describe a meandering stream?

But our welcome is not limited to our web site. Warminster welcomes all visitors to our town.


There are people all over the world who can trace some family link to Warminster.  When they visit our town to see the town where their family lived, it gives them great joy.

It gives the History Society members great joy too, to show visitors where their family homes were.  And they still are homes in many cases.



Important Note

Wiltshire Council has changed the telephone  system that the Libraries use.

Warminster Museum can no longer be contacted on the original number.  The museum will set up a new contact number as soon as possible.

In the meantime, the museum can be contacted by e-mail      museum.warminster@gmail.com